Solid State RF Amplifiers
Cryoelectra develops and manufactures custom designed fully transistor based "Solid State" RF Amplifiers (SSA). As the first company world wide, Cryoelectra has built SSAs above 150 kW CW in 2010. Since then, several innovations have been applied for patent in the ongoing process of technical enhancement. Our sophisticated control systems allow the operators deep insight into the amplifiers at any point in time and easy maintenance. The amplifiers are turn-key solutions with easy Ethernet interfacing for remote control.
Excellent transistor cooling
Sophisticated control systems
High DC/RF efficiency
Robust design for accelerator application
Easy to operate - turn-key solutions
High redundancy of transistors and powersupplies
Arrangement in standard industrial racks with easy access to subsystems
Training and remote support
Very high MTBF
Long term supply of spare parts guaranteed
Power supplies off-the-shelf
Software source codes supplied
Low Power
lab amplifier
industrial applications
Medium Power
booster ring cavities
sc. cavities
cavity test stands
nuclear fusion
High Power
storage ring cavities
nc. cavities
high beam applications
proton therapy
1-5 kW
5-100 kW
100 kW+