Cryoelectra was established in 1992 as a privately owned company by an international group of
scientists around Prof. Dr. Helmut Piel. The business activity of Cryoelectra is based on work at
the Universities of Bonn and Wuppertal starting in 1972. The most important achievement
during this period was the development of superconducting accelerating structures
which are virtually free of multipacting and which form the core of the first
superconducting Linac for electrons at the University of Darmstadt. These
cavities had very high Q values and required sophisticated Low Level RF
Control systems. In 2003 Cryoelectra started to use its experience collected in
the University and Company work to design sophisticated Low Level RF
Systems and high power pulsed and CW solid state RF Amplifiers
for frequencies between 30 MHz and 3 GHz and output
powers of more than 150 kW. Managing Directors
of Cryoelectra are Prof. Dr. Helmut Piel
and Dr. Nico Pupeter.
Number of Employees from 1992 to today
Increasing power per m² of Cryoelectra's Solid State Amplifiers from 2010 to today
Development Company size (m²) from 1992 to today